Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The things we do to concentrate...

Each wednesday i get to attend the Planning Meeting with the rest of the leadership team.
Sometimes it is exciting but mostly just hard to concentrate.
I usually sit and doodle but decided to practise my drawing skills again.
Here is the result of today's 1.45 hour meeting.
It is our Chief Engineer, Johan Crezee.


Stéphane K said...

I missed the post explaining why you were in the planning meeting. But that's a good drawing! Lucky planning meeting people. With a few more weeks, everyone will have their own portrait drawn!

Liezel said...

Hi Stephane,
I have been the Events Manager (or Programme Manager) since October, Ginny's old job. :) so i get to attend these every week...

Shirley Șerban said...

So I missed an exciting one, huh??!

Carlien said...

:) I like it! And I agree with Stephane - if the ship goes on long enough, you can do a portrait of each leader by the end.

dan said...

I like that picture Liezel - it has a lot of his character, instantly recognisable. :-)

I guess he wasn't so inspired by much of the meeting too?
