Friday, August 22, 2008

The story of a whale and dolphins

Oh what a voyage. The first night i was part of a creative team that put on a short programme in which we got the crew of the ship to report about the things they saw God doing in Brisbane.
It was such a fun night but after spending an hour on the stage trying to keep supper did not agree with the liquids in my stomache. I got out of the main lounge in good time and spent the next 10 minutes on the outside deck getting fresh and freezing air!
The next day i heard of someone who spotted dolphins and i became jealous. In my two and a half years onboard the ship i had never seen a dolphin or a whale.
As you could see by the pictures posted below that changed around lunch time the day after.
I usually take a picture of the horison/clouds after lunch time each day of the voyage. I was curious when is saw about 5 crew members leaning over the bow and shouting like crazy. When i finally got up there and leaned over i was more than shocked to see around 7 or 8 dolphins swimming ahead of the ship. Oh my goodness - i thanked God for my camera at that point and for the tremendous blessing of actually seeing flipper up close!
After 20 minutes we heared screams coming from the starboard side (right side). As it turned out we had a private screening of 'Free Willy' next to the ship. Honestly...there was a whale breaching 40 metres from the ship and dolphins leading us to Sydney.
Talk about spectacular!
I still count this as my blessing for that day...such an amazing day.

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