Friday, September 12, 2008

Cry out...

I just had a nice cry...
Yes CRY not try - i am an avid rugby follower
(a bit difficult when you live on a TV-less ship)
and not a great rugbyplayer, but that is not the reason for my crying.
I found myself in a nice situation similar to a bomb explosion yesterday afternoon.
It felt worse because of all the pent-up emotions of saying goodbye to 3 amazing friends.
The situation involved miscommunication (which is a big part of life) a needed miracle (and i am not in the business of miracles...that i leave up to God) and LOTS of prayer.
Yes sounds like mission impossible - just without Tom Cruise!
So the scheduled event will take place tonight.
I will go with 24 volunteers to put on the best programme a group of random but willing people can put on.
I am in need of a miracle...God knows how much i cried about this.
(By the way, i recently found out that this is my coping-with-stress-mechanism.)
Only God can use us, weaklings who aren't really as prepared as i would like to be, who are willing to go and serve and who are going because we would love to glorify Him through this.
Back to the artwork i posted this morning:
It is about the state i find myself in...about life being too much,
us realising it and then crying out to Jesus to help us out.
Father help me tonight...
God just used an amazing person to give me this verse:
"Do not be anxious about anything,
but in everything,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.
And the peace of God,
which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts
and your minds in Christ Jesus."
- Philippians 4:6-7
Here we go...
going for GOD!

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