Monday, February 16, 2009

Frustration - the NEW definition.

I always thought i understood what it meant to be frustrated. I found out today what it means. I am here in a mono-culture. People do not speak English here, and if they do they misunderstand any good intentions.
I can not understand anything the people say to me.
I need to work through many different translators. Even something as stupid as answering the phone becomes a big headache! The websites are all in Chinese, the street signs, the brand names, the menus...EVERYTHING. So i am going to write to the guys who put together the dictionary, or maybe even the thesaurus and ask them to add this to the books:

Frustration: To be stuck in a country where you do not speak the local language.

Please pray for me as i finish this line up. In 7 weeks the ship sail in and we are fighting time to see who will win.

1 comment:

Stéphane K said...

I feel for you. I mean it, I really do. What makes things harder for you is that Chinese letters are no piece of cake.

I experienced that frustration in Korea, but at least I could spell out the road signs!

Carry on and greetings to Hannu.