Thursday, June 04, 2009

Being fragrance...

I am supposed to be working at the moment, but i have to get this out of my system before i forget.
Our team's verse for this line up is 2 Corinthians 2:15.
"You are to God the fragrance of Christ,
to those who are perishing and those who are being saved."
Well, today Ji Ea (my South Korean teammate and becoming a very good friend) and myself were in the elevator on our way back from lunch. Before i continue, you should know that our office is at the 24th floor. Because of all the stops in between, we often spend 5 - 10 minutes on our way up or down. Today there was a gentleman - well i don't think he desserves that title - from a foreign country on his way up. I noticed him as soon as he entered the building. He is older, has silver hair, wore a white shirt with jeans and looks like Sean Connery. I have watched enough people (a hobby of mine) to know that this guy was rushed and not happy. By the shapes his mouth made i could tell that he was using four letter words to express his frustration. Apparently the elevator was not going fast enough. It seems that he wanted to be beamed up to the 15th floor. There were only 3 stops between the ground floor and his. At the second stop he looked at another white man across the elevator looking to see if he felt the same. The man did not respond... So Mr Wannabe-Connery decided to express his frustration. The sentence that followed is not appropriate for this - or any - blog.
I immediately wanted to ask him (in a sarcastic tone) if he needed to be somewhere, but the thought of being back-handed by James Bond entered my mind and i decided to be quiet instead. While i watched this guy exit the elevator i wondered...was that a fragrance moment? What would have been the appropriate response? I then realised that just being...that was it. I did not have to say something clever for him to have noticed that i am not his supporting actress. Nope...Liezel was there for Jesus and if that meant keeping my mouth shut and just smiling, trying to ignore his foul words, then that would be my response...


Bridget Macfarlane said...

I love the way you think. And act. You 'smell' wonderful. =)

PS Daniel preched today. You would have been proud of him. Especially since he was preaching on exactly what you were saying - or at least being God's "Show and Tell". Hey, I can send you the mp3! I'm a genius!

Keep up the good work my friend.

Shirley Șerban said...

There's always a pull between DOing and BEing.... what do we DO as followers of Christ? How do we BE? What's the balance between them both?
Frank Sinatra got it right when he sang, 'Do-be-do-be-doo'

PS - you smell great! :)