Tuesday, June 09, 2009

more than a feeling???

I feel that i need to be creative. I am working on a computer that isn't mine and this one doesnt hold the design programme well. It has to take time to evaluate what it is doing...so click once...wait....wait....wait....still waiting....wait....get coffee....wait...sigh in frustration...wait....wait...jip still waiting...wait...move mouse to see it it is still thinking...find something else to do...COMPUTER RESPONDS! YaY!!! Click again...wait...wait....get up to go to toilet...wait....wait...wait...wait...i told you it takes long...wait...wait...wait...check, no computer is still thinking...wait...COMPUTER RESPONDS.
Last night i started drawing but it is almost a copy of something i saw on a website a few days ago - so i won't finish it.
I get this feeling in my hand - like i need to hold a pencil. Withdrawal simptoms if you like to call it that. Please, if you have any ideas in mind please, i need a spark!
Oh...and then there is this phrase in my head that just begs me to write a poemy-thing but i lack the flowery english upperclass vocabulary to turn it into something more. Hey Bridget you wanna try? Here it is:
The clouds hold the promise of rain...


Shirley Șerban said...

Hello lovely lady!

I'm not as deep or Shakespeareish as Bridget, but your phrase reminded me of what happened on Monday for a couple of us. To put it poetically:

The clouds hold the promise of rain
This on Monday – an absolute pain

Another most beautiful day
Is blanketed in sombre grey

The bike is creaking at its hinges
The spark inside me sits
And whinges

I guess I’ll go to the mall instead.

Richard Fairhead said...

OK, Leizel, you're right... that is an interesting first line:

The clouds hold the promise of rain,
Rain holds the promise of spring,
And spring holds the promise of new life.
New life is the promise of the son,
The sun through the clouds shows a rainbow,
And the rainbow is the promise of God's love.